From Furry Friends to Feathered Companions: How Our Pets Inspire the Perfect Workwear for Petcare Professionals

11th April was National Pet Day and we decided to celebrate the diverse world of pets and the professionals who care for them with passion and dedication. At GoCustom Clothing, we understand that pets aren’t just animals; they’re family members, cherished companions that bring joy, laughter, and sometimes a little mischief into our lives. Our team are no strangers to this bond, boasting a wide array of pets from playful pups and cosy cats to the more unconventional snakes, ducks, and tortoises. Each pet, with its unique needs and personality, inspires us daily.

In the same vein, we recognise the critical role that high-quality, branded workwear plays in various pet care settings. Whether it’s ensuring safety, enhancing professional visibility, or simply providing comfort during a long day’s work, the right apparel can make all the difference. Through this post, we aim to bridge the gap between our love for pets and our expertise in crafting exceptional workwear solutions. Join us as we learn about our staff’s furry, feathery, and scaly friends, and explore how our approach to creating versatile, durable workwear for pet care professionals.

Our goal is to provide you with insights and options that not only meet your practical needs but also resonate with your passion for animals. With a focus on customer satisfaction, flexibility, and detailed product information, we’re here to ensure that your workwear supports you every step of the way in your noble task of pet care.

The Canine Companions

Dogs, known for their unwavering loyalty and boundless energy, are more than just pets; they’re partners in our daily lives. These four-legged friends require dedicated care, whether it’s through regular walks, playtime, or training sessions to keep them happy and healthy. The dynamic nature of dogs, from the gentle giants to the spirited small breeds, presents a unique set of challenges and delights for their caregivers.

Meet the GoCustom doggy team!

Professionals working in dog daycare centres and as trainers know too well the demands of their role. That’s why we’ve tailored our workwear to meet these needs head-on. Our extensive range features durable fabrics capable of withstanding the playful tugs and paw scratches, ensuring longevity and continued professional appearance. Additionally, we understand the necessity for practicality – incorporating ample pockets for easy access to treats, toys, and training tools, all while maintaining a sleek, professional look.

Our focus extends to comfort too, recognising the long hours spent on the move. Breathable materials and flexible designs ensure that you remain comfortable throughout your day, allowing you to focus on providing the best care and training for our furry friends. Whether you’re navigating the energetic play of a group session or focusing on one-on-one training, our workwear stands up to the challenge, providing you with the support you need to perform at your best.

The Feline Friends

Cats, with their graceful demeanour and independent personalities, add a unique charm to our lives. Their care often involves providing comfort, engaging in playful interactions, and respecting their need for personal space. This blend of independence and affection requires a nuanced understanding from those who care for them, reflecting the diversity of the feline world.

Meet the GoCustom Cats!

For professionals operating cat cafes and shelters, our workwear solutions prioritise comfort and practicality. Understanding the extensive time spent in various activities, from soothing anxious felines to engaging in lively play, our apparel is designed to offer unmatched comfort and mobility. We choose materials that resist collecting fur, ensuring that you maintain a professional appearance even after hours of interaction with your feline friends.

Additionally, our workwear includes features like secure pockets, perfect for carrying treats or small toys to entice curiosity and foster bonds. The ease of maintenance, with washable fabrics that retain their integrity and appearance, means less time worrying about your uniform and more time dedicated to the cats under your care.

The Unconventional Companions

In the fascinating world of pet care, snakes, ducks, cockatiels, and tortoises represent the unconventional yet equally captivating companions that enrich our staff’s lives. Their care requires not just passion but a specialised understanding of their unique needs, environments, and behaviours. These creatures remind us of the incredible diversity in the animal kingdom and the specialised care they need to thrive.

Meet GoCustom’s more unusual pets!

For professionals who specialise in the care of exotic pets, we offer workwear that addresses the unique challenges they face. Featuring breathable materials, our apparel ensures comfort in varied environmental conditions, from the humidity required for tropical birds to the cooler settings preferred by certain reptiles. Secure, easily accessible pockets are a must for carrying the specialised tools and treats needed to care for these unique animals.

Durability is also key. Our workwear is designed to withstand the diverse environments of exotic pet care, from outdoor enclosures to the indoor habitats. We’ve chosen fabrics that are easy to clean and maintain, essential for professionals who interact with a range of animals throughout their day.

We’re here to ensure that your workwear meets the specific demands of your role, allowing you to focus fully on the remarkable creatures under your care.

Veterinary Care for Our Beloved Pets

When our cherished pets encounter health issues, it’s the compassionate veterinary professionals who step in to restore their well-being. Equipped with expertise and empathy, vets and veterinary nurses are the unsung heroes behind every recovery story. Their dedication is matched by their attire—practical, durable scrubs and workwear designed to meet the demands of their profession.

These professionals wear workwear that’s not just functional but also a symbol of their commitment to animal care. The scrubs are crafted to offer comfort during long hours of service and the flexibility needed for various medical procedures. They feature easy-to-clean fabrics, essential for maintaining hygiene in a clinical setting. With pockets strategically placed, veterinarians have quick access to necessary tools and medications, ensuring they’re always prepared for any situation.

Set Yourself Up For Success!

In the vast and varied world of pet care, the right workwear plays a pivotal role in ensuring safety, comfort, and professionalism for those dedicated to the well-being of our animal companions. From the lively antics of dogs and the graceful charm of cats to the unique needs of snakes, ducks, cockatiels, and tortoises, each pet brings its own set of requirements and joys. At GoCustom Clothing, we’ve taken these diverse needs to heart, crafting a line of workwear that caters specifically to the demands of pet care professionals across the spectrum.

We invite you to explore our collection, where you’ll find solutions thoughtfully designed to meet the specific needs of your profession, whether you’re tending to playful puppies, caring for serene cats, or nurturing the most unconventional of pets. Our focus on customer satisfaction, flexibility, and detailed product information ensures that you can select the perfect workwear with ease, supported by a team that’s as passionate about animals as you are.

Ready to elevate your professional wardrobe with workwear tailored to your unique needs? Explore our collection today.

Maximising Brand Exposure with Custom Uniforms

In the bustling world of commerce, small businesses strive for attention amid the noise. Distinguishing your brand is crucial, and custom uniforms offer a subtle yet powerful way to accomplish just that. As a small business owner, you understand the value of each impression and the significance of a consistent brand message. Let’s explore how custom uniforms can elevate your brand exposure, increasing visibility and building a sense of community and belonging that resonates with customers and employees alike.

Benefits of Custom Uniforms

Picture this: a team of professionals walks into a room, all adorned with the same sleek attire, confidently representing their brand. The power of such a unified visual identity can’t be overstated.

Professionalism and Brand Consistency

Custom workwear elevates your business’s professional image. It signals to customers that you’re a cohesive, reliable brand that takes its presence seriously. When individuals are quickly identified as part of your brand, it reinforces consistency and fosters trust.

Increased Brand Visibility

Every time your team interacts with a client or the public, your brand is on display. This continual, passive advertising is a potent tool for boosting brand visibility. A uniform that’s distinct and memorable can turn every employee into a walking billboard.

Employee Morale and Team Unity

There’s a sense of belonging and pride that comes from wearing a uniform. It unites your team, instilling a shared ethos and the feeling of being part of something bigger. Happy employees who feel like they’re part of a team are more likely to deliver a positive brand experience.

Designing Custom Uniforms

Creating the perfect custom uniform isn’t just about slapping your logo on a shirt. It’s a thoughtful process that intertwines aesthetics, functionality, and representation of your brand’s essence.

Reflecting Brand Identity

Your workwear is an extension of your brand’s personality. It should display the colours, style, and any graphic elements that are synonymous with your company’s image. Whether you’re aiming for a modern, tech-forward look or a classic, service-oriented feel, the design should resonate with your customer base.

Considerations for Different Industries

Industry norms can guide your design choices. For instance, healthcare workwear needs to be sterile and easily washable, while hospitality uniform might call for a more fashion-forward approach. Catering to industry standards doesn’t mean you have to be generic; there’s always room to innovate and stand out.

Incorporating Logo and Branding Elements

Your logo is the centrepiece of your branding effort. Choosing the right placement and sizing is a balance between prominence and subtlety. Think of your uniform as a canvas that has the potential to make your logo memorable in the right context.

Choosing the Right Material and Style

The success of your custom uniform campaign hinges on the practical aspects as much as the aesthetic ones.

Comfort and Functionality

An uncomfortable uniform can lead to disgruntled employees and a poor reflection of your brand. Select materials that are breathable, durable, and suited for the job at hand. Durability shouldn’t compromise comfort; employees should be able to work with ease throughout the day.

Durability and Maintenance

Workwear see a lot of wear and tear. They’re washed frequently, exposed to various elements, and expected to last. Considering the longevity of your investment and choosing a material that’s easy to maintain is essential to a successful uniform strategy.

Appropriate for the Work Environment

Uniforms need to be functional within the work context. Safety is paramount in some environments, so the uniform should meet any relevant regulations. Reflect on the practical use of the uniform in everyday tasks to ensure it serves both the employee and your branding goals.

Promoting Brand Through Uniforms

Your uniforms can expand brand promotion beyond their primary function as identifiers. This presents an opportunity to actively promote your brand and enhance its visibility.

Social Media Presence

Encourage employees to share their uniform photos on social media, demonstrating pride in their company. This organic, personal touch can be a compelling marketing tool, showing prospective clients the human side of your brand.

Community Engagement and Events

Participating in community events is an excellent opportunity to leverage your custom uniforms for brand exposure. A unified presence helps your team stand out, making it easier for your audience to remember and identify your brand.

Brand Ambassadors

When employees embrace their uniforms, they become walking, talking representatives of your brand. Invest in your team’s knowledge about your brand, and empower them to be active ambassadors. Their enthusiasm can be contagious and lead to richer customer interactions.

Ready to elevate your business?

Your brand’s visibility is key to its success, and custom workwear are a smart, cost-effective way to enhance it. By focusing on the design that encapsulates your brand, the material that ensures comfort and durability, and the strategies to promote your brand, you’re setting the stage for a significant uptick in exposure.

Every custom uniform is a story of commitment and unity, echoing the values and identity of your business. In the end, the small details and choices that go into the making of a uniform all add up to a powerful, consistent brand presence that will set your business apart in the market.

For small businesses looking to make an indelible mark, custom uniforms are not just a necessity—they’re an investment in the future. As you navigate the sea of options, GoCustom Clothing stands ready to support you in crafting the perfect uniform solution. Whether you’re refreshing an existing line or starting from scratch, we’re here to ensure your brand is seen and remembered. Let’s take the next step together and see your brand soar with the power of custom workwear.

Professional Excellence in Health & Beauty: The Power of High-Quality Customised Workwear

In the health and beauty sector, first impressions matter. An integral part of this impression is the workwear or uniform worn by professionals. From physiotherapists and dentists to spa and beauty therapists a well-chosen uniform can significantly impact the way patients and clients perceive the service provided.

The Importance of Durable and Comfortable Uniforms

Comfort and durability are two critical factors when choosing uniforms for specific jobs in the industry. Physiotherapists, for instance, require clothing that allows unrestricted movement, given the physical nature of their work. Dental professionals, on the other hand, need uniforms that provide protection against contaminants and are easy to clean.

Uniforms in the health and beauty sector must withstand the rigours of the job and last through numerous wash cycles without losing their shape or colour. Quality workwear not only saves businesses from the cost of frequent replacements but also ensures that professionals consistently present a neat and tidy appearance to their clients.

The Top 5 Reasons That Health & Beauty Professionals Wear Scrubs

  • Hygiene and Cleanliness: Scrubs are designed to be easy to clean and minimise places where contaminants can hide. In the beauty industry, this is important as professionals often deal with products that can stain or damage regular clothing.
  • Comfort and Practicality: The material of scrubs is lightweight, allowing professionals to move freely and comfortably during their work hours. This is key in industries where workers need to be on their feet most of the time.
  • Identification: In healthcare are beauty spa settings, different roles might wear different coloured scrubs for easy identification. Differences can also be enhanced with additional personalisation options.
  • Professionalism: Wearing a uniform like scrubs can also convey a professional image across the health and beauty industry.
  • Psychological Benefits: Wearing scrubs can help health and beauty professionals mentally separate their work from personal life, providing a psychological “uniform” that helps them switch into their professional role.

In both the healthcare and beauty industries, the importance of wearing clean and neat scrubs cannot be overstated. They not only help maintain a professional appearance but also ensure the safety and well-being of both the professionals and their clients.

Customisation: Adding a Personal Touch

Customisation of uniforms with embroidery and screen printing offers numerous benefits for both employees and businesses. Embroidered logos or monograms, employee names, or the business’s tagline can add a touch of professionalism and sophistication to the uniform.

Advantages for Businesses

Customised uniforms serve as a powerful marketing tool. They increase brand visibility and foster a sense of identity and consistency, which ultimately improves customer trust and loyalty. They’re like walking billboards that subtly advertise the brand wherever employees go.

Advantages for Employees

For employees, customised uniforms can boost morale and productivity. Wearing a uniform that carries their name or the company logo can instil a sense of pride and belonging, making them feel valued and part of a team.

What to Consider When Choosing Your Workwear and Uniform

Uniform should be comfortable and allow professionals to perform their duties without hindrance. They should also be durable to withstand frequent washing and wear and tear. Additionally, considering the changing trends in the beauty market the choice of uniforms can also be influenced by current fashion trends to maintain a contemporary and stylish image.

Consider choosing customisable garments from Premier Clothing, the brand includes many options to choose from across multiple different industries. They have recently launched a new brand, ONNA by Premier. This range of stretch scrub tunics, scrub trousers and under-scrub base layers is designed specifically for today’s health and beauty professionals. With breathable recycled materials, deodorising properties and 4-way stretch, you’ll struggle to find better garments elsewhere. ONNA products can simply be described as ‘active care wear’.

Customised ONNA scrubs make the perfect workwear for:

  • Physiotherapists
  • Veterinary staff
  • Care givers
  • Beauty therapists
  • Dental staff
  • Medical staff
  • Housekeeping staff
  • Salon and spa professionals

Make Life Easier With Our Bundles!

If you’re interested in providing new Health and Beauty workwear for your employees, we have the perfect solution for you! Our bundle deals saves you money by buying multiple garments with FREE logo and delivery!

Making a Positive Impression

Elevate your impact on clients by upgrading your work uniform. Personalise it with your company logo or employee’s name to create a professional image and enhance the customer experience. Your work uniform is more than just clothing—it represents your competence and reflects your business’s ethos. Join the ranks of health and beauty industry professionals who are taking their professionalism to the next level.

Investing in high-quality, durable, and customised workwear is not an expense, but a smart investment in brand building, employee satisfaction, and customer trust. Whether you’re running a salon, a spa, or a medical facility, remember that your choice of uniform speaks volumes about your professionalism and attention to detail.

Comfortable Plus Size Workwear: An Inclusive Approach for Everyone at Work

In today’s diverse and inclusive world, the importance of comfortable and well-fitted workwear for all team members, regardless of their size or body shape, cannot be overstated. The clothes we wear significantly impact our mood, productivity, and overall job satisfaction. This blog post delves into the essential workwear garments for all employees. We will also evaluate these items based on their features, such as fabric and size ranges, and provide recommendations for you.

Why Comfort Matters in Workwear

Comfortable clothes can boost productivity. When employees wear clothes that are suitable for their size or body type, they can focus more on their tasks without the distraction of feeling constricted or uncomfortable. Moreover, when people can wear clothes they’re comfortable and confident in, morale is higher, and people are more productive overall.

Navigating the Essential Workwear Garments


  • Jackets are crucial for outdoor workers or those working in colder environments. They should offer a good fit, be durable, and provide sufficient insulation. Plus-sized options often include additional features to ensure comfort, such as adjustable waistbands and extra room in the chest and arms.


  • Gilets provide a perfect source of insulation for outdoor workers. Not only are they light weight and comfortable, but they also allow for complete freedom of movement for the arms. As opposed to thicker jackets, gilets safeguard your body heat whilst allowing you free access to carry out any outdoor works or activities. This makes gilets ideal for people with long arms who struggle finding jackets/coats that fit don’t their arms correctly.

Waterproof Coats

  • Good waterproof outerwear can be especially important depending on your job – such as if you work outdoors in the rain or have to come in contact with water frequently. Breathability is a huge must when selecting this type of apparel.

Shirts and Blouses

  • Shirts and blouses are fundamental pieces of workwear. They should be breathable, easy to move in, and available in a variety of sizes to accommodate different body proportions.

Hi-Vis Clothing

  • These garments are essential for safety in many industries. It’s crucial that they fit well to not impede movement. Many manufacturers now offer inclusive sizing in hi-vis clothing, ensuring safety and comfort for all employees.

Newer Types of Inclusive Workplace Attire


  • A staple of casual wear, hoodies have found their way into the workplace as well, especially in more relaxed environments. They offer comfort and warmth, and when designed well, can be just as professional-looking as a jacket or blouse.


  • Joggers provide the perfect blend of comfort and functionality. They’re ideal for roles that require a lot of movement or standing and can be easily paired with other pieces of workwear.

5 Tips for Selecting Workwear

When selecting workwear, consider the nature of your work, the climate, and the tasks you’ll be performing. For instance, if you’re standing a lot, opt for comfortable, supportive shoes. If you’re working outdoors, prioritise weather-appropriate clothing. Always remember – comfort and fit are key.

  1. Finding workwear that will fit everyone on your team and make them feel like part of the team, can be difficult! Luckily, there are brands out there who offer plus size workwear options that can be customised with your company logo. Take the time to look for companies that suit your needs and that will ensure everybody, no matter their size, feels represented within your team.
  2. When you’re working long hours, comfort should always come first! Opt for breathable fabrics like cotton to keep you feeling great even during those marathon workdays. Not only is cotton lightweight, but it’s also durable and helps your body stay at a comfortable temperature. You’ll feel more comfortable and get the job done in style!
  3. Layering is one of the hottest fashion trends and for good reason – it’s an instant way to boost any outfit’s versatility and style. Sweatshirts and gilets are great layering pieces, perfect for creating an adaptable work wardrobe. Not sure where to start? Check out our recent blog post for handy layering tips and information. We break it down step by step so you can achieve the look you want. A few minutes of reading could turn you into a layering expert! So, take a few seconds to hit the link and find out how you can create a statement look with layering.
  4. When looking for a professional outfit, consider dark colours such as black, navy and charcoal grey. These colours are very slimming and sure to make you look your best. Plus you’ll have an air of sophistication and sense of style. Going for the dark colours is a great way to make everyone take notice of your finely crafted outfit. When these shades are pulled together the effect you achieve showcases sharp, crispness and makes a bold statement. For true fashion savvy, choose dark and enjoy all the looks your wardrobe can bring your way.
  5. At GoCustom Clothing, we suggest ordering samples from suppliers so you can try them on. By taking this approach, you can make an educated decision based on what you see, feel, and try on! And when you order from us, you can be sure that you’re in safe hands – we offer free returns for plain garments, so you can buy knowing that you’re backed by an unbeatable satisfaction guarantee.

Brands to consider

ØRN Clothing

ØRN is dedicated to creating exceptional workwear. By utilising responsibly sourced, top-quality fabrics and implementing meticulous craftsmanship, they design and produce workwear that embodies sustainability for the planet, ethical practices for your customers, and superior quality for your wearers. They also offer sizes up to 10XL, waist sizes up to 60” and shirt collar sizes up to 23”.


Uneek is a brand that is all about offering clothes that are long lasting and cost effective. Uneek has any and everything they need in their wide selection of colour, design, and sizes to fit all individuals. No matter who you are, Uneek has something simply for everyone!


ProRTX produces incredibly reliable work garments and safety apparel, crafted specifically for those working in demanding conditions and environments. Our collection features an extensive range of items to meet needs of all kinds, from professional work clothes to items designed with advanced visibility features.

Build Your Brand

If you’re looking for well-made garments, Build Your Brand is an excellent choice. They don’t specialise in workwear but offer a variety of high-quality clothing. One of their best offerings are their t-shirts, which come in a range of generous sizes, to fit almost anyone. So, if you’ve been on the lookout for t-shirts that provide the perfect fit, then Build Your Brand is the perfect place to start.


Premier Workwear is committed to providing high quality staff uniforms for professionals around the world. Your staff’s image is a direct representation of your business. That is why we design tailor made uniforms that elevate the look of your employees no matter the industry. Premier offer a wide range of sizing options for men and women including sizes up to 6XL and size 30 respectively.

Make Life Easier With Our Bundles!

If you’re interested in providing new workwear for your employees, we have the perfect solution for you! Our bundle deals saves you money by buying multiple garments with FREE logo and delivery!

Customise your well fitted workwear with GoCustom!

In conclusion, the evolution of workwear has brought about a much-needed shift towards inclusivity and comfort for all body sizes. As we continue to embrace this change, it’s important to remember that the ultimate goal is to ensure that everyone feels comfortable, confident, and productive in their work attire.
We understand how important it is to look polished and professional when representing your company. That’s why we are able to provide a variety of garment shapes and sizes so everyone can have the perfect fit! Whether you need T-Shirts, polos, trousers or hi-vis; we can customise it for you! Now you can look great while showing off your company’s logo!

The best clothes to keep you cool this summer!

The summer months can be a challenge for professionals who want to look stylish and presentable at work but are struggling to find appropriate clothing to wear in the heat. Here are some practical tips for how to stay cool and comfortable in workwear during the summer.

Choose the right fabrics and materials

The most important thing you can do to stay cool in the summer is to choose the right fabrics and materials. Look for lightweight, breathable fabrics such as cotton. This fabric will allow your skin to breathe and help to wick away sweat. Avoid heavy, synthetic fabrics such as polyester and nylon, as these fabrics can trap heat and make you feel even hotter.

GoCustom Recommendations

Opt for lighter colours 

If you’re looking for the right colour to help you stay comfortable and fashionable, why not choose wisely and opt for lighter options? Whites are always a great choice; they have an airy feel that keep things cool during long days. If whites aren’t your preferred palette, consider something lighter like pastels! They provide a calming sense of comfort and remain stylish enough to look good at any occasion. If it’s blues that grab your heart and your attention, go for the pleasantly light hues instead of the dark shades – because dark shades can often retain more warmth than wanted! There’s so much versatility with lighter colour choices that you’re sure to find exactly what you need in order to stay cool and secure in whatever style or situation you desire.

GoCustom Recommendations

Stay hydrated 

It’s important to stay hydrated in the summer, even if you’re not sweating a lot. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help your body stay cool. Avoid sugary drinks like soda and juice, as these can actually make you feel hotter.

Wear layers

Unique chilly temperatures don’t have to keep you from enjoying your day. Step out of the house prepared and fight off nature’s temperature with smart layering strategies– starting by covering up with a comfortable base layer, like a dependable vest. Finish off with an additional shirt or fleece on top for more substantial protection from raging winds and temperatures that plunge low. All is not lost when the sun warms up either-when you’re ready and the sun is shining, peel off those extra layers and you’ll be cool again.

GoCustom Recommendations

Avoid tight clothing 

If you go too far with fitting clothing, you can inhibit your mobility. Wearing tight garments in the summer may only make you feel even warmer and uncomfortable. On the other hand, loose clothes offer freedom of movement and can help keep away unwanted heat!

You could try getting a size up of your normal sizing for garments, this will allow the extra space you need to be able to feel cool this summer. Also, if you’re wearing long sleeves for work, why not opt for short sleeved garments? This too will contribute to you feeling a lot cooler.

GoCustom Recommendations

Take breaks 

If you’re working in a hot environment, it’s important to take breaks throughout the day to cool down. Get up and move around, or step outside for some fresh air.

Protecting yourself with headwear 

Typically hats are made from breathable materials like cotton, and this can help keep your head cool by allowing air to circulate, which aids in dissipating heat. This can make outdoor activities more comfortable and enjoyable on hot summer days.

Many hats are designed with moisture-wicking properties that draw sweat away from your skin, helping you stay dry and comfortable in the heat. This feature also prevents sweat from dripping into your eyes, which can be both irritating and distracting.

Hats can also be a very useful marketing tool, having your employees wearing them when working outside in the public eye can help with brand recognition. You can read more about the positives of branding your business in our previous blog post.

GoCustom Recommendations

Use fans and air conditioning 

If you have access to fans or air conditioning, use them to your advantage. Fans can help to circulate the air and create a breeze, while air conditioning can help to cool the air down.

If you’re interested in kitting out your workforce with branded uniforms, why not check out our great bundles offers? You get free embroidery or print for your business logo!

Don’t let the warm weather bring your mood down, and instead stay cool whilst on the job! Whether you wear shirts or polos for work, following these few tips can help you be as comfortable as possible during the summer months.

Firstly, look for breathable fabrics such as mesh, cotton, and linen to maximise internal air flow. Secondly, it’ll not only protect you from UV rays but opt for brighter colours which reflect sunlight and maintains a lower temperature within the fabric. Lastly, layer up from indoor to outdoors for extra comfort and protection against humidity.

Enjoy the scorching days of summer and if you want to get more ideas for great garments to help you this summer, follow us on social media where we will present you with multiple excellent products we offer that will be great additions for your workwear.

The Importance of Branded Clothing for Your Business

Branding plays a key role in developing a unique identity for your business, and one of the most effective ways to promote your brand is through customised clothing. Branded clothing not only serves as an advertisement but also creates a sense of unity and team spirit among employees while portraying a professional image to customers. 

Here are five reasons why having your own branded clothing is crucial for your business: 

1. Increased Brand Awareness 

Branded clothing is a walking billboard for your business, providing free advertising to a wide audience wherever your employees go. Customers gain familiarity with your business logo and associate it with the positive interactions they had with your employees, making it easier to remember and recognise your brand. It helps to create a sense of reliability and trustworthiness around your business, which is essential for success in the ever-competitive business world. 

2. Professionalism  

Branded clothing gives your employees a more professional look, highlighting their association with your business while enhancing your business image. It reinforces your branding efforts and ensures your employees are easily recognisable; potential customers can quickly identify your employees and approach them, increasing your chances of developing a new or ongoing business relationship. 

In addition, branded business clothing provides consistency in presentation, creating a sleek and cohesive appearance to woo clients and convey a professional image to employees. 

3. Team Spirit

Branded clothing helps foster team spirit among employees, it creates a feeling of camaraderie and inclusivity that inspires team pride and a sense of belonging. It instils a strong company culture and reinforces the team’s shared goals and objectives. 

Having a unified team creates an environment that fosters loyalty, innovation, and open communication. Employees who feel valued and accepted are more likely to be proactive and innovative while contributing more meaningfully towards achieving the company’s collective goal. 

4. Customer Loyalty 

Branded clothing plays a vital role in customer loyalty. It creates a sense of belonging, pride, and exclusivity among customers when they wear your branded attire. It helps them to feel part of your brand message, thereby increasing the level of loyalty they have towards your business. 

Given that your customers are your brand ambassadors; Availing branded clothing to them becomes an effective way to help spread the word and enable them to represent your brand first hand. The more loyal customers you have, the higher chances of increased revenue and better longevity for your business. 

5. Cost-Effective Advertising 

Branded clothing is an effective and cost-effective method of advertising your business. It is a long-lasting marketing tool that is reusable and visible in a unique way. Branded clothing is usually worn several times by customers, making it possible for your brand to be seen by more individuals over a more extended period of time. 

Compared to the myriad of other marketing strategies, branded clothing stands out as an unconventional, yet efficient way to incorporate branding into your daily operations without a tangible marketing budget. It remains a powerful marketing tool for the smallest to the largest businesses. 

If you’re interested in kitting out your workforce with branded uniforms, why not check out our great bundles offers? You get free embroidery or print for your business logo!

Branded clothing provides great advantages for businesses of all sizes. From increased brand awareness to enhanced professionalism, from strengthening team culture to cultivating customer loyalty. With the advances in printing technology and design capabilities, you can create customised clothing that perfectly captures your brand’s voice and identity. Overall, branded clothing is a cost-effective and long-lasting way to promote your business while fostering a sense of unity and professionalism in your workplace. 

It’s never too late to create custom branded clothing for your business! Start reinforcing your branding messages and improving employee-customer relationships today. If you need more assistance with your order, why not contact our dedicated team of experts at [email protected] – we look forward to hearing from you!

How to claim uniform tax relief! 

Are you required to wear a uniform as part of your job? If so, then you could be in for some extra money! You may be eligible for expenses up to £100s over the last five years, even if it was just one day that year, you can claim relief for the whole tax period!

But am I eligible for this?

Do you have a job that requires wearing a recognisable uniform, like branded polo shirts, workwear or hospitality attire? Well, the HMRC says if your employer makes it mandatory to wear the specific work clothes while on the clock, they can be claimed as expenses – even when worn once during tax year.

For those who are self-employed, seeking financial aid for uniforms and laundry no longer requires claiming via a rebate—you’ll just need it filled out on your respective self-assessment tax return instead! 

For a more in depth look into this tax relief please go to the below link. This will have a lot more information of this and help you find even more savings!  

And to claim your uniform expenses see the site below.  

How much could I potentially get?  

Claiming a uniform tax refund can be an easy way to save money and time. With the standard flat-rate expense allowance of £60, basic-rate taxpayers are entitled to receive up to 20% back – that’s £12! For higher-rate taxpayers, it could potentially double this figure at an impressive £24. In total, with all years dating back five years taken into consideration you’ll get your entire allocated amount returned in full; yet keep in mind there is only until 5th April 2023 available for claiming expenses from 2018/19 – hurry before you miss out on gaining significant savings! 

Ready to get started?

All in all, the value of uniform allowances offered by the HMRC may be financially beneficial to individuals who have worn a mandatory uniform for their job during the past 5 years. It is definitely worth doing further research and finding out if you are eligible for relief on uniform expenses. Due to these tax break policies, you’ve only got to 5th April to claim your 2018/19 refund. For more advice and information regarding uniform tax relief, please find more here. If you still need workwear, look at our vast collection – there’s something suitable for every career choice!